Sunday, October 13, 2019

InfinityTrafficBoost BTC 2.74 in 73 days

It was brought to my attention recently by Mr Frank Bauer at InfinityTrafficBoost (ITB) via a video, that one can make 2.74 bitcoin starting with nothing out of pocket called the Free Way Method; by just surfing 100 pages daily at ITB, and by referring four friends to the ITB website. The process takes about 73 days depending on variables such as bitcoin exchange rates, how quickly one refers and how quickly referrals surf, etc. The system will slow down or speed up, but the system itself remains the same.

Fast Track Method
There is also a quicker method called the Fast Track Method, which relies on one paying out of pocket for a Traffic Package Option (TPO) as opposed to earning the cost of the TPO (BTC 0.00025) by surfing. As one might expect, if one pays out of pocket, the process is somewhat quicker than surfing to earn the cost.

The Videos
They are very well prepared and produced videos that you can easily watch online on YouTube. Frank Bauer goes to great lengths to explain
how the systems work. He steps through each day of the system and explains what should be done on that particular day and what the results of that day will
be in terms of your bitcoin balances, etc.

What I would like to do is to try and get four referrals from my fellow members at Terry Patio's SyndicationExpress to form a team to take advantage of Frank Bauer's offer as broadly outlined in his videos.

What You Should Do
If you perceive this to be a good idea immediately, then go right ahead and join ITB under me using the link provided with this post. Join right now InfinityTrafficBoost .

1/ 5,000 satoshis at Deliverer Safelist
2/ Free marketing tools at Max Viral Marketing

If you feel you need to consider this deal more carefully, then go ahead and watch the videos and listen to Frank explain the deal.

I would appreciate you using my link here to join ITB when you have watched the videos and made up your mind. Join InfinityTrafficBoost .

1/ 5,000 satoshis at Deliverer Safelist
2/ Free marketing tools at Max Viral Marketing

Whatever you decide, I thank you so much for taking
the time to consider this idea and I wish you good luck.

Best regards,
Mr Nigel Barksfield